
Friday, 25 October 2013

Blind Spot

Turn on the lights.

Let it be seen.

The raw naked truth. The injustice. The insane absurdity.

You are me and I am you. Equal.

We are here to shed our own dazzling colour in this world but for some reason, my circumstances; the predicament I find myself in, gives me choice. 

Gives me freedom. 

Gives me space.

And you, you only dream of such a life.

A life where you can access, embody and live out your human rights.

Because that is what you are and that is what I am. 


And as humans, we are entitled to these rights.

You are me and I am you. Equal.

We are one and the same

Don't sit in the dark. Turn on the light

Knock down the door

Step outside the box

Shine and dazzle without restriction

What does equality look like to you? What are you doing to shine light on that blind spot? Pop in the comment box and let it rip (Click on 'no comment' to open the box and share your words)

Watch this space for upcoming stories about identity and home; some big topics at the crux of connection. Tales of highs, lows and discovery that will leave you humbled, yet thinking.


  1. For me, equality is entirely about personal evolution, revolution and the ability to have a voice - and use it. Superficial equality is determined by money and power. It is a facade. Loving Paper Planes!!!

  2. Love your take on equality Jodie. When we think about equality in this way, the possibilities are endless. It ignites a strong sense of personal empowerment. Keep an out eye for an upcoming post all about connection to self. I think you will enjoy!


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