
The Philosophy

We are all connected. We share a common humanity.

The stories of Paper Planes Connect aim to leave traces of something inside you; a ravenous curiosity to learn more, a budding desire to push the borders and the binaries of the status quo, an impetus to speak about the unspeakable.

Once you're done reading, Paper Planes Connect aims to augment your understanding of the world. 

It hopes to challenge your thoughts and perceptions. To inspire you with positivity and vigour. To bolster more meaningful and inclusive connections among all people. To build community and collective action. 

And most of all, it hopes to radically shake up this world.

We all have a story to tell. A message to share. A string of moments, lessons and experiences which are our journey. 

Paper Planes Connect is a collection of these stories from people all around the world who are creating the life they want to live. They are the untamed. The wild. The unconventional. 

Through the beautiful art of story telling, Paper Planes Connect is cultivating connection and creating change.

I'm Leah Davies: Justice Agitator + Artist of Words + Connection Enthusiast + Rogue Researcher + Yoga Scholar + Nature Devotee + World Traveler.

I am capturing the stories of risk takers, innovators and change makers - ordinary individuals like you and I - who are creating the life they want to live through the daily decisions they make. 

Connection is everything. It is the people we meet, the places we adore, the lessons we learn. It is us. It is this very moment.

The magnificent Gandhi said, 'Be the change you want to see in the world'. Through these stories, Paper Planes Connect shows that a peaceful, equitable and loving world is possible if we endeavour to do just that: Be the change. 

Welcome to Paper Planes Connect. Let's connect: Heart to heart. Mind to mind. Soul to soul.

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